Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spending Time

I love, love, love being on maternity leave, but I must admit that the days can seem pretty long sometimes.  On those days I long for five o'clock when The Swede walks in the door, always in a good mood and happy to see us no matter what happened at work.  With the husband off fishing I've been trying to keep busier during the day so that I don't miss that five o'clock ray of sunshine so much.  Yesterday, for example, I invited the girls from my mama group (the ladies in our community who had their babies around the same time I did) over for a playdate and fika.  The babies, who had gotten to know each other over the past several months in mama group, got to practice sharing toys while I got to know their mommies for the first time outside the walls of the clinic.
Then, today, Jamie and I headed over to Petra's for pancakes.  She made them from scratch, they were awesome, and Jamie's world was rocked.  We ended up walking to the outlet mall and strolled around all afternoon.  Petra is mere weeks from giving birth, so we needed a long coffee break during which she made me laugh so hard that she was forced to shush me.  My mom, who I shushed about a thousand times last week, would have been proud.


  1. Jackan ser rätt fult ut tycker jag, dags att sälja! (ÄLSKAR DEN)

  2. Visste att du skulle tycker den är äcklig :)
