Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Jamie Dyes Eggs

Jamie's half-year-long cold continues this week with the addition of a cough and fever. He had a visit with the doctor this morning who assured us that we had nothing to worry about so we're just going to settle in, continue not working and not going to school, and let the walls close in on us until he's back in form. The past two days were pretty rough on him and he didn't do much of anything, but today his fever had broken and he was in the mood to play. This is where I admire stay-at-home moms because I was at a loss of what to do to entertain him. Sure, we read books and pushed cars and wrestled and practiced our animal sounds and colored, but there's only so much of that one can do in twelve hours. So I came up with the brilliant idea to dye Easter eggs. And it was at least forty-five minutes more brilliant than I had imagined because after we plopped them into the dye, Jamie decided to move them around from color to color and back again, break them open and squish their hard-boiled insides, and splash food-colored water all over the kitchen for, like, over an hour. I couldn't believe it. I mean, it was a disaster to be sure and it took every fiber of my being to keep from wiping everything up the entire time but he loved it and only one piece of blue, vinegary egg white made it into his mouth. I was thinking, at first, that this will go so much more smoothly next year, but really he couldn't have been happier and that was the point.

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