Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today was our neighborhood's spring clean-up day and while I'm usually the first to try to plan to -whoops!- be running errands on that particular morning, this year I decided we needed to show Jamie that being part of a community comes with responsibilities. We like playing in the park, right? Gotta help clean 'er up then! I was significantly less efficient with Jamie "helping" until I put him to work collecting pinecones, which was a task so popular that other neighborhood kids got involved and I even I got a little jealous of all the fun being had. There were so many folks out helping that we got done in record time and all enjoyed hot dogs and playing around the lighthouse long before planned. We weren't all enjoying hot dogs, actually. The Swede was inside cleaning out his closet per my demand request.    
All that raking put me in a mood, so I cleaned up our own yard a bit then packed the car full of recycling and stuff that needed to be left at the dump, including - HALLELUJAH! - a bag of The Swede's old clothes for the Salvation Army bin. Jamie and headed to the lake after the dump to feed the ducks some stale break - more recycling! - before a cozy fika to celebrate all that we had accomplished.

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